Tag Archives: epub format

Some Random Thoughts and Links

Well, it’s Sunday morning and I’m find myself in a quandary.  I didn’t write the blog early yesterday because, well, I was hoping to find something that wasn’t related to Borders or publishers-doing-stupid-things.  So, here I am on Sunday morning trying to get enough coffee into me to function and figure out what to blog about at the same time.

Let’s start with the obligatory Borders report.  Mark Evans has an interesting list of six reasons why Borders went bankrupt.  While I don’t necessarily agree with what he has to say, he makes some interesting points.  Author Melanie Benjamin talks about where she was and how it affected her when she first learned about the Borders filing.  The bankruptcy trustee has named the unsecured creditors committee.  Included on the committee are publishers and landlords.  This article points out that one of the issues Borders will have to deal with is making sure it is closing the right number of stores AND the right stores under the circumstances.  Also, this committee will have something to say about it.  Add that to this article that seems to confirm my suspicions that there will be more closures in the very near future.

In other news around the publishing world, Random House announced it is offering early retirement to employees over 50 who have been with the company at least 5 years.  This offer expires April 15th.  Of course, they are also quick to say that this is NOT an indication that RH is going to downsize.  I really wished I believed them.  But, in my experience, when companies start offering this sort of a deal, particularly with employees who have not been there for long, it is a sure sign of downsizing in the future.

Barnes & Noble released its third quarter figures for 2010.  It doesn’t surprise me to see that their sales were pushed by digital downloads and tech.  Barnes & Noble has done a lot of things wrong, in my opinion — most importantly having played a large role in driving out the independent booksellers.  But they did two things very right, things Borders should have done.  They embraced the internet and have had a strong online presence for years and they have a branded e-reader that is associated with their name.

On the ongoing front of will we ever get an industry standard in e-book formats,  Japan has made a step in that direction.  It was announced last week that their publishers and electronics companies had adopted EPUB 3.0 as their standard.  Unless I am completely wrong — very possible, of course — it isn’t going to be long before we see two main formats:  EPUB and MOBI.  The other formats will drop by the wayside.  Whether we will see EPUB become the industry standard or if it remains split between the two will be something to be seen over the next 5 years or so.

In other EPUB news, and this does fall under the heading of publishers-doing-stupid-things, comes this.  Harper Collins once again proves, at least to me, that it doesn’t support e-books nor does it support public libraries.  To start, there aren’t that many e-titles available for download from libraries.  Now there will be even fewer.  Why, because of this idiotic decision by HC.  A decision that flies in the face of mainstream publishers’ very frequent cry that e-books aren’t real books.  It is this argument that publishers use to justify DRM, saying that when we pay for an e-book we are only buying a license for it.  But, with the decision to limit the number of times an e-book can be checked out, they are saying it should be treated as if it has the same lifespan as a “real” book.  Can you say, have your cake and eat it too?

Finally there’s this article about the increase in piracy of e-books, specific to this article Kindle e-books.  I think what frustrates me the most about articles like this is the fact that it completely ignores the fact that piracy happens to ALL books, not just those released in digital format.  How quickly they forget about how the last Harry Potter book hit the internet in PDF before it was released in stores.  When’s the last time they brought up the brouhaha that surrounded Stephenie Myer when one of her manuscripts was leaked on the internet AND SHE THREW IT AWAY.  But what really bothers me is how so many of the publishers who rant about e-piracy use the argument about how it is stealing from their authors and yet these same publishers do not give accurate accountings of e-book sales, nor do they give authors a reasonable royalty on e-book sales.

Finally, on a personal note, I want to thank everyone who has supported Naked Reader Press and our authors.  It dawned on me today that we put our first books up for sale just about 6 months ago.  It’s been 6 months of hard work but it has been worth it.  So thanks to everyone who made it possible.

(Cross-posted to Mad Genius Club)

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